About Vital Seeds

Vital Seeds, Inc. was established in 2014 to exploit the commercialization of its unique internationally patented technology and procedures “Potatoes out of Ground” (PoG). The PoG is a complete turn-key solution developed to address the market’s growing need for clean potato seed. The term “Potato Seed” is an industry term typically used to reference potato tubers that meet certain cleanliness criteria that qualify them as seed that is either suitable for further propagation or for the production of ware potatoes. 

Vital Seeds, Inc. is an American company incorporated in the State of Illinois with its principle office at 1468 Terrence Drive, Naperville, IL 60565. 

In 2009, the founders of Vital Seeds embarked on the development and patenting of a technology to address the market’s growing demand for cleaner potato seed. Typically, the production of potato seed starts with plantlets produced from tissue culture. The production of plantlets from tissue culture is a practice intended to produce true clones of a plant’s variety. This is the only process known to scientists today that guarantees producing plant’s true clones. Following the production of a tissue-culture-plantlet, the potato seed production assumes a cyclical multiplication process that often spans seven to nine years and in some cases longer. In 2009 the founders’ effort (Kamal Daas representing Inventtech GmbH, Talal Daas representing NorStar Corporation and Horticoop B.V. invented a break though technology “The Potato Incubator” that utilizes aeroponic irrigation and a unique three-compartmental structure that proved to yield results that exceeded any foreseen expectations. In 2010, Talal Daas, Kamal Daas, and Horticoop (the inventors) filed international patents to protect the intellectual property “The Potato Incubator”. In this same year the inventors founded the company Vital Farms B.V. , a Dutch company, dedicated to research and development as well as technological innovations. In 2010 the first Potato Incubator was commercially put in operation by Vital Farms in the Netherlands to produce clean potato Mini-Tubers (AKA, nuclear tubers) from tissue culture plantlets. The mini-tubers produced from tissue culture plantlets are first generation Mini-Tubers (MT1). 

2014, Vital Seeds’ chief engineer and inventor, Kamal Daas, arduous R&D effort produced another discovery. The inventors found means to adapt the Potato Incubator for producing 2nd generation Mini-Tubers (MT2) from MT1 tubers. This development proved to be the ultimate “game changer” in the process of potato seed propagation. In 2014, the founders of Vital Farms formed the company Vital Seeds, Inc. and granted Vital Seeds irrevocable global exclusivity to the Potato Incubator to produce mini-tubers from earlier generation mini-tubers.

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